The wheel of the year is turning, and as we all breathe a collective sigh of relief at the downpours of welcome rain, our event team are already planning Streetopia 2018.

Obviously, because the entire event is open to you and your creative contributions, performances and public art, not even our team know what this year’s event will look like. But what we do know is that the date for us all to get dressed up and gather again is Saturday December 1st!

We look forward to seeing the Obs and AfrikaBurn communities turn out in fine style again to participate – and for our streets to once again be swarming with colour and great vibes. We’ll have news soon on about dates for the registrations of market stalls, artworks and performances – and as always (because our entire event is driven by the spirit of volunteering), on what options will be available for you to step up and offer your assistance in creating another great day in Obs.

Stay tuned – and start thinking about your outfit, because there’s another Best Dressed Contest planned!