And That’s A Wrap!

Wow, did that all really happen, on our streets and Village Green? Because if you take a walk around the event area now, there’s barely a trace that thousands of people thronged through the streets of our hood last Saturday on the 1st of December!

Our event team’s had a chance to take a breather, after 4 months of solid planning, building and erecting – and they’re now in the process of contacting all stakeholders to get a good overview of how the event was received by residents, business owners, artists, performers and stall holders. To the NGOs like Obsid and the Obs Civic Association, we’d like to say a BIG thank you – without their help, we wouldn’t have been able to pull off such a smooth event once again. We also received support from both the City of Cape Town, and also the national Lotteries Commission, without which this year’s event could not have achieved its high levels of art and performance – so thank you to those bodies too.

If you were among the approximately 5,000 people that joined us on the streets between 10am and 6pm on the day, thanks for coming – and thank you for participating! And if you were among the many performers that gifted their art and skills on one of the 6 stages that dotted our event area, we have a very special and heartfelt THANK YOU to share with you, for such an amazing array of excellent music.

Here are some stats to fill you in about just how much happened on the day:

– 91 Market stalls
– 6 music stages with 32 different performances
– 13 Supporter Businesses in Obs donated funds towards the costs of this year’s event
– 5 Art Exhibitions were hosted in and around the event area
– 16 different Artworks, from AfrikaBurn and contributing artists, were erected on the day
– 3 Legacy Projects were installed, and will remain on our streets to brighten up and improve our hood
– 16 different Mutant Vehicles, Classic & Vintage cars and bikes were displayed on the day
– 39 volunteers stepped up to assist in a wide range of capacities before, during and after the event
– 9 different NGOs and Civil Society Organisations hosted stalls or distributed info on the day
– 1 radio station (Radio Free Tankwa) broadcasted live from the Village Green all day
– 5,000 happy participants got a taste of the spirit of AfrikaBurn, in the city!
– 12 public portable toilets were deployed, and maintained throughout the day
– Only one incident of crime was reported (a phone stolen from a bag, in a restaurant – but that can happen anywhere, and doesn’t indicate that our event created any serious issues in this area)

Lastly, if you’re an Obs resident, or you hosted a stall on the day or are a business owner in the area, we invite you to provide your feedback to us, so that we can listen and improve our event, so that Streetopia 2019 is even better. To provide your input, please click the link below:

Streetopia 2018 Feedback Form

(if you would prefer to contact our event team directly, feel free to email us on

THANK YOU again, to everyone that helped us make this year’s event so fantastic!

Want to look back at our 2018 Event Guide? You can find it here.