Artwork Volunteers Needed!

There’s a very special super secret suspended aerial artpiece in progress at the AfrikaBurn workyard in Obs. Whilst the exact details are under wraps so that the piece is a big surprise on the day, the team that are building it are looking for some help to make sure it stays on track.

If you’d like to know more, you’re welcome to join the Super Secret Streetopia Aerial Device Volunteer Team, who are looking for willing hands to assist with building this most marvellous of shimmery creations (a small porton of which you can see in the photo above).

It’s not particularly technical work, but if you have some time on your hands over the next 7 weeks before Streetopia takes to the streets of Observatory again, our Volunteer team would love to hear from you.

Mail and get on board a project that’s going to blow minds into many pieces.