Best You Get Dressed!

Streetopia’s a community event, and one at which you’re ewncouraged to actively participate – after all, it’s your event, where you are the action and the attraction. This is why the event presents an open invitation each year to the Obs and AfrikaBurn communities to participate by taking market stalls, exhibiting their art or performing music or dance.

Great costumes have been a feature of our day on the streets since 2015 when the event began – and to encourage people to get involved this year even more, we’re introducing a Best Dressed Contest for the first time!

On the day, we’ll have a small team of Fashion Police who’ll be patrolling our event area – and if you’re dressed up in a great costume, you’ll be handed a ticket (which will be your invitation to step up onto our main Village Green Stage) to join the Costume Parade.

First prize in teh contest will be a ticket to AfrikaBurn 2018, 2nd will be a copy of the beautiful ‘BURN: Into The Flames Of Burning Art” coffee-table book by photographer Simon O’Callaghan, and 3rd prize will be a gift voucher from our participating Supporter businesses in Obs.

We look forwar to seeing you join the pageant by donning your best costume on the day – and you should keep a look out for the Fashion Police!