Streetopia Obs – Market Stall Booking are OPEN

Since Streetopia Obs started in 2015 (5 years already!), the opportunity for handmade and homemade goods has increased dramatically – so much so that at our 2018 event, we had a total of 80 stalls, with traders from a wide range of communities including Obs, Salt River, Woodstock, Mowbray and Rosebank. Of these, a growing number of traders are ‘mom and pop’ style – meaning that they’re not professional market traders who do it regularly, but are rather residents who are making the most of our day on the streets to share or show their art, homecraft or skills.

Market area on Lower Main Road at Streetopia Obs 2019 (photo by Egi Xhellolari)

Though Streetopia Obs is still a long way off (with this year’s event taking place on Saturday November 30th), we’re happy to announce that due to demand, we’re accepting market stall applications sooner!

As always, and in keeping with our event’s aim of being inclusive and community-based, our criteria for stalls remains focused on authentic home-made and handmade craft items, clothing, food and art. If your offering fits into these categories, please click the link below, and submit your application!

Apply for a Stall at Streetopia Obs 2019 here.