Welcome to Streetopia!


Welcome to Streetopia’s website. Here you can find out about the event, how it works, where the action takes place on the day and how you can get involved. And we really do mean get involved: as a community-based event that’s designed to be accessible to the residents and businesses of Observatory, you’re welcome to step up and participate!

There are many ways to participate:

– deliver a speech about the art of growing bonsai vygies
– demonstrate that nifty DIY solar laptop you built
– tapdance to Ma Brrr’s ‘Weekend Special’ in a tutu
– hand out homemade koesusters
– set up an impromptu silver service dinner for one
– mime the Constitution

As you can gather, the only limit is your imagination – but for more info, head to this page and check out the many options available to you.

We’re looking forward to another amazing day that will see the streets of Obs filled with colour and good vibrations – and hope to see you there. Rise to the occasion: get dressed in your finest costume and join the carnival!

Check out this great little clip of one of the spontaneous jams that kicked off on the day: