Help our Event Get an OK on Noise Exemption

In order for an event our nature to take place in Obs, and in terms of City of Cape Town bylaws, every year’s event since our first in 2015 has required that our event team seek an OK from residents who live within a 100m radius of any amplified sound. As a community-based organisation that exists only with the support and assistance of residents and business owners in Obs, our team walks the streets, knocks on doors and drops off forms to obtain that OK in the form of signatures for a Noise Exemption permit that is valid for the event period.

This year’s event, as in past years, will not feature any large stages with very loud systems (or any ‘headline acts’) – because our event is not a musci festival and isn’t seeking to attract large groups of rowdy revellers. Rather, Streetopia curates a limited number of small-scale sound spaces that will operate from mid-morning on the day until until no later than 6pm. Our event team is very strict about cutoff times, as our production team and volunteers start dismantling the event’s decor and infrastructure at 5:30pm to ensure the streets can be cleared swiftly and the work of cleaning the entire area can proceed smoothly without any large crowds holding up the process of opening roads and removing all litter.

The areas shown in the coloured circles on our map below indicate the 100m radius within which residents in Obs would need to provide their OK in order for our event to have music played:




Our team have recently been dropping off leaflets for residents in the area of our event footprint to sign – but these leaflets often get lost amongst junk mail. So, in order to ensure that we don’t miss any of the residents concerned, we’re providing our form here for you. To download a copy, simply click the image for your PDF download to start.


If you’re a resident within 100m of our event footprint, please either:

– download the form and print it out and then drop off at Obsid offices (76 Arnold Street)
– or print it out and sign it, and then scan it and mail it through to

Many thanks to all residents who’ve supported us in this regard in years gone by – we’re looking forward to another great day on the streets with you all.

If you have any queries about our event, please feel free to email


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