Category: Old News

Welcome to Streetopia!

Howzit! Welcome to Streetopia’s website. Here you can find out about the event, how it works, where the action takes place on the day and how you can get involved. And we really do mean get involved: as a community-based event that’s designed to be accessible to the residents and businesses of Observatory, you’re welcome to step up and participate!

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  To pull off our little carnival in the streets, it takes the spirit and hands of a bunch of volunteers. Got time to step up and help out on the day? Great! Our event team looks after everyone that volunteers by providing meals and drinks on the day they volunteer, and of course guidance for the tasks they undertake.

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Q&A Session – Nov 1st

Ahead of this year’s Streetopia event, and as a means of answering any questions and providing info, the event team will be holding a Q&A Session at the Obs Community Centre. The session will be held from 6 – 8pm on November 1st 2016, in the NA room. Event team members will be on hand to answer any questions, including

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Parking & Public Transport

So you’re coming? Fantastic! As an event, Streetopia only happens with the support of residents – and we’d like to make sure they don’t get parked in on the day.     So, please help us to keep our event area clear by using public transport (or coming by bike), so we can keep the narrow streets of Obs clear

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Streetopia Jozi is coming!

  It’s true! Thanks to the efforts of artists, community member and volunteers in the Gauteng region that have stepped up to assist our team in organising an event in their area, Streetopia Jozi will be hosted in Melville on Saturday October 12th! As with Streetopia Obs, the event is planned as a collaboration between the community it takes place

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Sign up, Step up & Participate!

  To raise our event, run it and then pack it all away takes a small army of helping hands – and as we’re now just weeks away from our event date, it’s time to start wrangling our volunteers and get everyone ready to leap into action over our event period! There are a wide range of ways you can

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Give Us Your Feedback on This Year’s Event

The artworks are packed away, the signage has been taken down, the crowds have long cleared off our streets – and hopefully all that’s left is the memory of a great day on the streets together. If you’re an Obs resident, business owner, artist or stall holder, we’d like to invite you to provide our event team with your feedback,

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Our 2018 Event Guide is Here!

If it’s the Friday before Streetopia hits the streets, you can be sure that our crew are busily starting the process of erecting signage and basic event infrastructure across Obs – and that our Event Guide is ready for you! Here it is in all its glory, as a PDF for you to download and read (just click on the

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On the ‘AWEH Mural’ – Pics and Story

If you’re headed along Lower Main today, take a stroll past Stanley House and check out the wall outside The Peacock – that’s where you’ll spy the work of Marti Lund and AwehMigo, whose craft has been channeled into a glorious piece that forms one of the parts of this year’s Legacy Projects. See some of the pics here for

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